Monday, January 6, 2020

When the Bough Breaks - 1986

Ted Danson.  Star of things.  I only know Ted Danson from Curb Your Enthusiasm really.  And I like him, I think he's a good actor.  And I'm finally getting around to his movie, When the Bough Breaks, a movie I've now thought I saw already fucking twice.

What's with that, I ask?  Of all the random shit that could happen on this boxset, why did I think I saw this movie twice already?  Life's a real goddamn mystery, huh?

Ted Danson stars as.... some guy who's name I forget in this murder mystery thriller thing.  It took me a couple days to get through this one, although it was not boring (too much anyways).  I took a night off from TV and I think the other night I stayed in the main house.

Okay, back to it, Ted Danson stars in this probably made-for-tv or again, at least edited-for-tv movie.  There's clear commercial breaks dude, and tracking problems again.  I wish there were special features for this boxset, not about the movies, but info about the actual boxset itself?  Again, including where they got these from, and who made the choices about what went on and what didn't go on?

OKAY!  Ted Danson stars as a psychologist working with the police about a dead guy.  Innocent enough.  But then the dead guy eventually brings Ted around to a kid, a kid that is hooked into this weird group where things seem slightly off.  The group is led by a mega rich and powerful guy played by David Huddleston, and cops warn Danson about the power the Big Lebowski has if Danson goes poking around, disrupting shit.  But he's on the case and he'll solve this thing no matter what it takes....

Sure!  We can do one of these.  These movies are fine.  And it is.  WBB take the path where Danson is a likable guy, with a charming love interest, a nicely done dog-like scamp of a cop that Danson is teamed with, and villains that are adequate.  This is packed with adequate pacing, dialogue that drives the plot forward, and even some action sequences.  The end is satisfying, perhaps even better than average because of a nice addition to Danson's character, and since he's acting it, it is pulled off.

This is no movie to recommend strongly, but at this point, where this set is concerned, I'll take what I can get.  I'll give it a 3.5

Internet research tells me I accurately guessed the year, this was in fact made for TV, and the love interest of Danson's was the girl from Con Air!  I knew I recognized her.  Also, there was a blooper with a wheelchair guy standing up out of the chair, and they left it in the movie.  I remember seeing that part, it was funny, and I am glad they left it in.  Just a fun, odd moment.

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...