Sunday, January 19, 2020

Village of the Damned - 1995

So another John Carpenter movie in my movie marathon night.  I also rewatched Crank (it holds up, for sure) and I watched The Pyramid (2014, horror, pretty stupid).

Village of the Damned stars Christopher Reeve as a local doctor in a small town where suddenly everyone passes out at 10am one day.  Christopher Reeve soon notices that 10 local women are pregnant, and their date of conception was the day of the pass out.  They all have the babies, and soon enough the children are exhibiting strange behavior.

Thematically this felt very similar to Prince of Darkness.  I guess, you know, I did watch them on the same night after all.

Faster moving and more linear than Prince, this was an enjoyable film.  Despite the fact I don't like evil children in movies, all the kid actors are pretty decent, and their powers are shown front and center enough to keep one entertained.  This had a similar style and atmosphere as Prince, and I have to say that in retrospect its a throwback feel like the 70s horror movies I know and love so much.  I miss 70s movies, man.

Not as much to say except I liked this more than Prince.  It was also bigger in the payoff, whereas it felt like Prince sort of petered out with a nonending, this ends and it ends well.  I will also say that with the pacing of a 70s movie, the feel of the 80s, but better enough to make you think possibly 90s, something about this movie felt a little bit timeless.  It could practically exist today, and you wouldn't even need a plot point about cell phones.

It's aight.  I'll give it like a 3.5 or something.

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...