Saturday, January 11, 2020

My Chauffeur - 1986

Written while watching My Chauffeur and good god I might have to turn this the fuck off. It's annoying, pointless and trying way too hard to be funny. Also this main actress is terrible.

Some dumb blonde is made a chauffeur early on for reasons I forget, and she's up against all sorts of obstacles as she goes from "funny situation" to "comedy scene" and succeeds despite all odds. My Chauffeur starts innocently enough but once she is driving people it turns into a bad mess.

Most of the movie seems to be an excuse to play bad 80s music, and I wonder if this came from a music video director. Probably not because there is also no artistry.

I'm currently an hour in and the plot turned into the Chauffeur lady and a tight wound lawyer type going on a road trip. I guess it's a love story... Which is stupid cause we don't care about either of them, no history had been made for her or him, and if they end up together it won't fucking matter.

After I left the room twice without pausing, I fast forwarded three minutes and at this point they fucked. I really hope this is less than 90 minutes.

There's also a way overacting black couple which borders very dangerously close to racism. Another thought: there is nudity early on, then it stopped. Why is there not more? Why do only one topless chick?

One more note from after I finished it - only three more nude women, no comedy happened, and I don't remember exactly how it ended.

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...