Monday, January 4, 2021

The Oval Portrait - 1972

Did not know I had a Edgar Allen Poe double dip on this Pure Terror boxset. I hadn't read this story, nor head I heard of it before in the Poe pantheon (the Poentheon?)

The Oval Portrain was apparently a two page short story that Poe wrote. You guys really think a two PAGE source material is enough to base a 90 minute movie on? You're confident about that idea, are ya? Wow, well, ok then.

This movie is also known as One Minute Before Death, and is the story of a woman coming to a house she hasn't been to before and uncovering the strangeness happening there. It wildly deviates from the original story, which I just read a plot synopsis of. Edgar Allen Poe's original story is of a painter who was so focused on painting his wife he doesn't notice she is dead.

In the movie, instead of that cincise and macabre idea, we get endless scenes of women gossiping, men in long coats looking perturbed, and plenty of lingering shots of the titular Oval portrait. The portrait itself is quite good, very lifelike as it was in the original short story. The actual plot revolved around this new woman getting possessed, sort of, by the ghost of the dead woman in the painting. Another decent idea. But, this is so paintfully dull and slow and who-cares and it doesn't succeed in this plot either.

So where does this succeed? I dunno, I guess it doesn't. It goes, things happen, and I was insanely bored for the most of it. I stuck with it but fast forwarded towards the end, which is addittedly when the movie gets a bit better. Not much though. Tooooo slow, too blah, too whatever, I give it no stars.

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...