Sunday, January 10, 2021

Point of Terror - 1971

I've watched very few of the Pure Terror films while drunk. I went for two months without drinking and I'm intermittenly doing it right now as well. Gotta be healthy, right? I also have an ear infection and I'm taking antibiotics, so it's best not to drink.

All that said, I was a bit loaded while I watched Point of Terror last night. This is a prime 70's movie, and I just don't get tired of seeing the bell bottoms, the huge collars, the elaborate costume designs. It's so great. Lets start off with the drunken thoughts I had during watching:

Is it weird that I watch a '70s movie and I think, they used to tuck in their shirts a different way?

This guy is shirtless a lot. You want to talk about gender equality in films? This guy is topless a lot more than any woman in this film.

Writer, producer, and main star Peter Carpenter was from Oakland, California. He had not been around long, and this is one of only 4 movies he acted in. He is a mystery actor, as IMDb lists his death in 1996 but other things point to the 70's as his time of demise. There's a whole blog entry about it here.

All this aside, he's not a great actor and this part is written as if it's trying to show how great he is. There is the above thought about how he's shirtless for most of the movie, and there's a few songs sung by him in the movie, and he beds a lot of women, constantly every girl is after him. It's all pretty stupid as you can imagine, and this movie in general is fucking dumb. I didn't like it.

Wikipedia tells me it is a "erotic drama" and I'm like, is it though? It's not dramatic and it's not especially erotic unless you're really into uncharismatic bland men. Who aren't great singers. Who aren't funny. Who aren't interesting. Who think they are all this and more.

Also, there is a supposed threat of murder at one point and a few people die sorta, but all in all it's one of the least staying true to the "Pure Horror" name of the set so far. A bullshit cop out ending didn't help either.

It's not like a zero star movie but I'm not giving it any higher than a 2.

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...