Saturday, February 15, 2020

A Time to Die - 1982

So, I finally finished the 80s set.  I started this boxset a long time ago, but I kept it on the DL until I finished the 70s set.  I focused on this set once I got to Idaho basically.

A Time to Die is a film which I had started at some point and then I guess I didn't finish?  I know I started it because I remembered the scene with the topless chick.  You will always remember those scenes.  Anyways, now I finally finished it.

A Time to Die is a revenge story, the story of  a guy who's village and wife are killed by Nazis.  He survives a gunshot to the head and comes back, swearing vengeance on those that killed everyone and shot him.  So we're returning a little bit to the action movie theme which was present in the set earlier.  And honestly, good finish.

The movie is a bit slow, and I for sure didn't care a lot of the time, but it was pretty decent.  Overall, it's probably low rent entertainment, and only comes out as "good" because it is in comparison to the other films on the set.  I give it 2.5.

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...