Saturday, November 17, 2018

City of the Living Dead - 1980

Well now.  I recently reviewed Rats: Night of Terror.  And revisited the classic Italian horror film idea.  And now, fuck it.  I watched Lucio Fulci's City of the Living Dead.  This movie, now wtf how have I not seen this before?  This is first class classic Italian horror, all pumped up and exciting as it can be!

Lucio Fulci is very well known on the cult movie scene, and it's pretty obvious as to why.  This movie is really badass and fun.  I'm cutting to the chase here I guess.

A priest hangs himself early on in the beginning of this classic flick.  It's a bit odd, and maybe there is some hidden thing surrounding this death.  Either way, pretty soon there's a bunch of random demons around the town killing people.  They have a multitude of powers, including the ability to kill people just by looking at them.  There's a bit of investigation going on, people trying to find out what's up with the bodies piling up, as well as why this town has so much other shit going on.

This being a awesome Italian 80's film, all the effects are real and high detailed.  The effects here come often and extreme.  Honestly there's hardly a few minutes that go by without some sort of random thing happening that calls for effect.  This might sound disjointing, something like War of the Robots, where you lose track of what's going on.  Somehow though, this remains focused despite having constant shit going on and randomness on screen.

The effects range from amazing to simple, simple still being good though. Goddamn did I love this.  I popped open a nice To Øl beer while I watched this.  I hesitantly gave the beer 5 out of 5 on my review site, and similar to that, I hesitantly give this 5 stars.  I need to see it again, 100%, but yeah this shit is a 5 star film no matter what.

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...