Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The Mutilator - 1984

Yup, I'm officially off the deep end.  And on a long, long streak break from the 70's boxset.  It originated, I think, with Jofer Jeff a while back, and I liked it of course, as one is apt to do.  I just sort of kept it going, encouraged by your deafening roars for more...  And by that I mean, encouraged by nothing.

For every average slasher flick, for every bad one, for every good one, there's always more out there.  For every bad one there's a good one, for every middling one, well there's pretty much guaranteed another middling one.  This one, The Mutilator, is extremely middling.  Also, when I started this flick the title on the screen was not The Mutilator, it was titled Fall Break.

This is the only film made by writer/director Buddy Cooper.  It's not bad, considering that.  It's not original, obviously, but it's fine enough I guess, and it at least had loads of blood versus some of those others.  It's weird that this was very graphic, and yet the stuff they cut out of other films seems less crazy than this by comparison.  After all, this is the film that has a meat hook taken to a vagina.

In the very beginning, a kid playing with a gun accidentally shoots his mother.  Fast forward to when he's grown up and his dad has gone crazy and begins killing people.  The kid and his friends take a vacation to the beach, are followed by the dad, and are picked off one by one.  It's weird that the dad would wait all those years huh?  Why not kill the kid sooner?  Why wait til he's in his late teens and then do this?  If only that were the only plot hole.

This has the same thing as Slumber Party Massacre, wherein you see the killer more and he wears no mask.  He has no lines thankfully, but the fact that this had no sequels again makes me wonder why some films get them and others don't.  They do again definitively kill the killer, literally chopping him in half, but shit, others have come back from worse.  I sort of wonder why these things happen, and I always enjoy seeking out random obscure sequels that exist out there.  Despite the lack of reviews for movies of that nature on this blog.

There's kills, there's nudity, there's some originality, there's a lot of decent things here.  It's all been done, but it's here again, and pretty soon the over-saturation of the market might begin and I'll switch back to the 70's boxset, and somehow life will go on.  But for now, 3 stars.

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...