Friday, November 9, 2018

How Awful About Allan - 1970

Here's a fact about How Awful About Allan:  I legitimately watched this no less than three times.  I watched this movie, while sort of distracted, and I thought I missed something and wasn't paying enough attention, so I decided to see it again.  Second time, I did the exact same thing.  I was drunk, I wasn't paying attention, thought I missed something, decided to watch it again.

Third time was the charm, and I put it on, actually paid attention, didn't drink!  And...  um, did I miss something?  Should I see this a fourth time?!  No.  At this point, this movie is cut off, I'm not giving it another chance, and I'm officially just calling it good and writing in what I do know about this movie, which is honestly not that much.

At only 75 minutes, this should have been a breeze.  Scratch that.  This movie is barely 73 minutes, the credits are rollin up at 72:50-something, and I'm sitting there thinking, what the fuck?  This movie was incredibly badly done, and I didn't know what the fuck actually ended up happening in the flick.  Let's break it down in a rare, by the minutes look.  Spoilers.

Minute 1-2:  Allan accidentally catches his house on fire, with sister and father inside.  Allan saves sister, father dies, and Allan's eyes are hurt and now he's partially blind.  Allan's not physically blind though, it's psychosomatic and it's his "guilt" that makes him blind.
Minute 2-25: Allan walks around, talks, he lives with his sister, and nothing happens.
Minute 23-45:  Allan and sister get a roommate, who Allan distrusts for no reason, and thinks the roommate is maybe fucking with him, cause Allan begins to hear weird noises and see odd shapes.
Minute 46-55: A couple more odd shapes and noises, Allan's trying to get himself back into the hospital, roommate sort of stops coming around as much, nothing much happens.
Minute 55-71: Allan, in the climax, tries to leave the house, slips on some ice.  Nothing happens. It's revealed the roommate was only there for one day, Allan begins to hunt the figure that he sees.
Minute 72-73:  It's revealed it was his sister, fast forward to Allan living and now his vision is cured.  Allan gets a call from his sister and randomly goes blind again.

I mean, I knew I was in for a shitfest when literally from minute 2 or so through 20, pretty much nothing happened except walking around talking.  I didn't realize this movie was as old as it was, I thought it was mid-70's, but still!  Fuck, this was so slow!  I practically went insane watching this.

The movie has very little tension, very little in terms of "things happening" and it's riding that line of sanity/insanity too much.  Allan is made to be sympathetic, but he's not likable, and nothing about his blindness is ever really explored.  The shapes and the noises are fine and all, but what is his sister's plan exactly?  To send him back to the psyche ward?  To kill him?  Nothing is ever revealed, and if she wanted to kill him, could've easily done it.  I hate it when the villain's goal is to "drive them insane".  It's a really antiquated notion.  This notion that you just snap a person and then they could never get better.  Ugh.

I give it....  Ummmm.  Is half a star too low?  No?  Okay, sweet.

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...