Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Werewolf Woman - 1976

 When a movie starts with a curvy naked woman dancing in a fire ring at night, it can go nowhere but up.

Werewolf Woman, after reading the Wikipedia article, says it was supposedly made as a real movie. I don't know if I really believe it. I clocked the fourth nude scene (minimally) at minute 24, and that was only a few minutes before the bizarre lesbian rape scene. 

I mean, this is thick oozing sleaze, this is sleaze you can taste. You can hear the oily boozing weirdo next to you as you watch this. He's chain smoking and masturbating over his pants. He says something weird about her legs and slaps you on the back with the same hand that was just on his dick. 

I don't know why this was called Werewolf Woman either. I'm 90% sure no one was a werewolf. The main woman seems to be vaguely "cursed" and even then, exactly the how of it? Who knows. Instead, our main woman wanders around, she fucks people, other people fuck, random violence happens. How about Wandering Woman as a more accurate title?

This movie is about as high on the nonsense-ometer as it is on the sleaze-ometer, and I actually watched most of it twice, cause I wasn't paying a lot of attention.  This is a good midnight movie type thing, a good one to watch when you're in your early 20s, horny and craving violence.  For me, it's still fun as heck, but perhaps I enjoy it a tad less.  I'll give it 3 stars though, still.

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...