Friday, October 28, 2022

Demonia - 1990

 Whatever happened to these crazy giallo Italian flickmakers like Bava, Argento, Castellari, Fulci?  Well, sadly, a lot of them are dead.  What were there later films like?

Demonia is near the end of Fulci's career, I think about 10 years before he died.  I'm not going to google it again, you figure it out.  Fulci had been away from a big hit for a while, and had a few TV made movies around this time, was basically circling the drain of life man.

Demonia is a harkening back to the OG films like this.  It's straight-forward, badly acted, and ridiculous.  The effects are so bad they're good, but really, quite bad.  There are these awful patches that are placed on actors, so it's obvious where the blood's gonna spurt out from.  Then, the film quality is good enough to show how bad the blood and guts look...  it's pretty great.

Plotwise, I mean who knows and who cares.  Some nun demons are brought back from the dead and are after a few people, That's about it.  

I didn't pay strict attention, nor should you.  I'll give it 2 stars.

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