Saturday, June 13, 2020

Project Metalbeast - 1995

Aww fuck it. I dialed in this Amazon 90s fare expecting and wanting slush and that's what I got.

It took me a bit to watch it and I don't exactly remember the why or how of the flick but that's sorta the point now isn't it? To be mildly entertained and that's it?

Project Metalbeast is some stupid movie with Barry Bostwick and no one else memorable and essentially it's the whole "government creates monster" thing.

This time it's a psuedo werewolf and its out for blood. Thing looks pretty good too! So the effects deliver and the plot who cares and that's all ya need right?

Could've had more monster, but it was never gonna get more than a 1.5 anyways.

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Resurrection - 1999

 Let's keep this streak going as long as we can huh?  Loving these dumb 90s-00s thriller horror mystery movies. Resurrection is directed...