Thursday, January 5, 2023

The Disappearance of Flight 412 - 1974

 When I put this on, just the font of the movie made me know immediately it was a made for TV movie!

You know the excitement that went through me for this, no doubt.  A made-for-TV movie from October 1, 1974 that aired on NBC.  Whodathunkit?  

This is a talky drama about conspiracy, and I wasn't quite prepared for that.  The description on the DVD sleeve made it sound a bit more action oriented, or like something else.  I thought this would be a cool mystery with aliens and shit, cause the first thing is about UFOs and then secret military bases.  But, this was quite different from that.

The bare bones of this plot is:  Colonel Pete Moore is out on a flight, he sees a mysterious blip on the radar.  Some other guys go to investigate and then promptly disappear.  Then, he is forced to land at a military base he didn't know existed, some mysterious place referred to as "Digger Control".  Once he is here, he is subjected to intense questioning and he is not allowed to leave.

The movie is a dialogue heavy, character driven story from this point on, which I have no problem with on the surface....but it's also just not that interesting and sort of goes nowhere.  The missing planes are found crashed with no trace of the pilots, and eventually after being sworn to utmost secrecy, Moore is allowed to leave and that's that.

I suppose if I had been in the right mood, for more of a talky mystery "red tape" affair, I would have been more into it.  For now, I'll give it a two.

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...