Thursday, January 12, 2023

House of the Living Dead - 1974

 Also known as Doctor Maniac, Shadows Over Bridge Farm, Curse of the Dead, and Kill Baby Kill.

A slew of alternate titles is a common occurrence in these grindhouse style movies I watch, and this has five titles so it must be good right?  No, not really.  I have tried to find a correlation between the amount of alternate titles and the quality of the films, but so far nothing doing.

House of the Living Dead was filmed under the title of Shadows Over Bridge Farm, and the clear distinction between that title and House of the Living Dead was the inclusion of something alluding to "Living Dead" ie zombies.  Yeah, they changed the name to try to cash in on the craze for undead at the time, and you know what, no shade on that...  BUT!  But, the movie has no undead, no zombies, nothing even close, so shame on them.

The plot is that in South Africa these rich white guys live a life of luxury, and local Africans don't like them so they're regularly practicing voodoo of some sort to unknown nefarious intent.  The white family is made up of brothers Michael and Breckinridge, and Michael gets a new wife Maryanne who comes to live with them.  She discovers Breckinridge creeping around and spying on her and supposedly never leaving his top floor room, and in the meanwhile scares start to happen.

Meh.  It was slow.  Really, really slow.  I mean, I don't mind slow but this movie crawled.  It inched.

The movie, I dunno.  It was extremely average in almost all ways except for how slow it was.  Also, when your main characters are stiff British blokes in high necked shirts, it's like do you want us to hate these people we're watching or not?  I never know the intention.  I'll give it a two.

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...