Saturday, November 20, 2021

It Came from Beneath the Sea - 1955

 I have not gotten into much 50's monster movies as of late, so when I saw this at the library I picked it up.  It's a good morning movie especially - I do love my movies in the morning.

It Came has an opening scene with some missing ships, and slowly we see a few phantom arms reaching up and out of the ocean. It's a giant octopus, and Commander Pete Matthews is teamed up with Professor Lesley Joyce, he being the type to not suspect a professor could be a woman, she the type that evidently falls for misogyny.  They've got to anticipate the octopus, figure out how to stop it, and run when it comes to San Francisco.

Effects by Ray Harryhausen as well as black and white photography help this movie along, elevate it from forgettable 50's monster schlock.  Also, admittedly, is the fact it's San Francisco instead of New York or anywhere else.  It is cool to see my city of 10 years back in the 50's, and see familiar sights like the Ferry Building and stuff in this movie.

There's surprisingly little to say about this otherwise.  The pacing is averagely slow, and the characters are thin as can be.  It really jumps into the stratosphere in the effect department though, and when the creature comes to SF, worms it's way onto the Golden Gate Bridge and Fort Mason area, that's a lot of fun.  Eventually they shoot a torpedo at it, but before that we've discovered that like all these monsters, this one too was caused by....THE ATOMIC BOMB.

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...