Saturday, June 1, 2024

Beasties - 1989

 Thank you to video stores. Seattle WA is where I am and where my friend and I rented this DVDR. Viva Scarecrow Video. 

Beasties is a zero budget 1989 horror Sci fi with little release and less legacy. According to the Wikipedia only 200 copies were made and sold before it was shelved. It's an odd duck and my friend picked it at random from the selection in Scarecrow. 

Nelson and Laura are the main characters in this very indie horror sorta movie. It's a very nonlinear plot as aliens land on the earth,  these guys discover them,  other conflict happens,  and that's about it. 

Surprisingly good practical effects and nudity help elevate this movie,  but the convoluted plot is a bit hard to follow. Towards the end things get easier,  but overall it's also incredibly slow. There's a gang of leather clad Goth dudes around to complicate things, and yea that's about it. It's a weird movie. 

I don't know if this movie even exists in any format or available,  but it's a fine watch if you find it. 3 stars. 

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Blue Monkey - 1987

 I'm straight up marathoning anything that sounds horror adjacent right now, and half of them or n=more are not getting reviews, sorry. ...