Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The Postman - 1997

 The Postman is almost as well known as the other Keven Costner helmed and starring vehicle Waterworld.  These movies were well known then and now for being huge, bad, bomb movies that were publicly mocked.

I saw Waterworld dozens of times, and its a fucking classic man.  Somehow though, I never saw The Postman, until now. 

One time in the last few years my grandma, 88 or so at the time, griped about my mom moving to Mexico.  "They don't even have a post office," she gave as an example,  "how can a country run without a post office?"  I thought of what arrived in the mail these days:  things that say Current Resident, magazines you didn't want, and things asking for money.  I shook my head and silently thought to myself, "I'm sure they're fine without it".

Kevin Costner stars in this futuristic sci fi flick about a world ended by war and reduced to desert and rogue communities, things have really steered in the wrong direction in the far off year of...2013.  Yup, ten years ago that apocalypse struck and we had no mail, and then some actor from Waterworld saved the world.  Remember that?

Anyways, he gets inspired around the 50 minute mark to do his part by delivering the mail, and you know... can I ask...  how the fuck did this movie get made?  It's so much a product of it's time, the people who were young in the 60s getting to where they could make their own vehicle, and making some psuedo community save the world flick about how bad things are but how the spirit is still good.  

The Postman is a dumb, weird romp through a specific time and a place, and it's a classic.  Its a bit slower and not as effects heavy as Waterworld, so it'll get minused a few points for that, I'll just give it a 3.5.

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...