Thursday, July 9, 2020

Dr. Giggles - 1992

I was in a mood for a stupid horror film and I rented Dr. Giggles.  It looked fucking retarded, so I picked it up from the library.  IMDb describes this as Horror, Suspense, Comedy?  Why Comedy?  There was no fucking comedy in this at all.

This is the vision of self aware, as shown first by the year...  And there are tons of stupid puns and one liners.  If you can think of a doctor themed pun, it exists in this film.  Everything from jokes about lab coats to jokes about doctors loving golf.  There's a shit ton of self aware acting by main actor Larry Drake, but it's likable enough and at least it moves fast.

Like I was just saying, the plot does move, and there's enough deaths in it to keep this movie moving.  There is a ton of deaths, there are several that are doctor related with certain tools or tricks and of course, stupid puns.  Dr. Giggles laughs a lot, I guess that's why the movie is called that, although there are zero references to that name in the film.

I'm pretty sure it was a dumb, forgettable B horror film in both intention and delivery.  2.5 stars.

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...