Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Demon Warrior - 1988

Jofer Jeff is my man.  I assume he's a man.  Isn't it odd that most people into this dumbass cult movie/80's slashers/what-have-you are men?  Mentioning that, if I have any readers at all, check out my new postings on female-led review site Morbidly Beautiful!  I got myself a review column there and my review of The Prey is up now!

Demon Warrior was one I dialed up because it was especially short, and one of the ones in Jofer's list that I hadn't seen.  I've seen a lot of these keep in mind, so I got around to Native American slashers that I haven't seen, and Demon Warrior is one of them.  There's not a lot of Native American horror movies out there in general, so this is pretty cool.  However, the movie...ugh.

Demon Warrior starred pretty much no one and was directed by a guy who only has three IMDb movies to his name.  It's beyond low budget, incredibly cheap looking, and basically scraping.  I've used this term before, and this one fits the term to a T.  I wonder where that term comes from.  Google quickly tells me it's a golf term.  Okay, I get it.

Basically some people go to some land, there's a guy on it who's part Native American and he's concerned cause 10 years ago his father died while trying to get the land situation solved, cause turns out every once in a while a Native American demon comes popping out and kills people.  The demon is in a cool mask and outfit, which makes for easily the best part of the movie.

The kills are bland, there's not a lot of blood of effect.  There is one scalping which was okay.  The pacing is pretty whatever.  The whole film is pretty whatever.  For being less than 90 minutes it still goes by slow as molasses, and in the end I remember saying aloud, "this movie is just not that good".  Also, I paused it at least three times to check and see how much of the film was left.

It's okay, but for sure it's for die hard fans only.

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...