Saturday, February 8, 2020

Dear Mister Wonderful - 1981

Stuff happening: the movie. An actual line from Dear Mister Wonderful: I squeezed some orange juice but a guy stole the paper, ok?

Joe Pesci is a good actor to my surprise, and tries to sell the fuck out of this shit but it is just not making any sense so far.

At some point you just need to cut something off. This is the movie equivalent to a 10 month relationship where you don't fuck. Fuck that!

From what I read online, the supposed plot is about this guy having personal growth as he struggles in New York City. I got 40 minutes in and nothing had happened, so I turned the movie off.

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Resurrection - 1999

 Let's keep this streak going as long as we can huh?  Loving these dumb 90s-00s thriller horror mystery movies. Resurrection is directed...