Sunday, March 5, 2023

The Terror Within 2 - 1991

 When you vaguely remember The Terror Within because of the werewolf on the cover, and cause it came out trying to capitalize on The Howling and Wolfen and all the others, well that is when you watch the sequel.

C'mon, let's admit first off the title begs reexamination. How about The Terror Without first of all- or The Terror Within You? Guys, he creative. 

I only vaguely remember the first movie, which if memory serves, is werewolves. I say this because in this movie it's really not.

There's a pandemic on, see, and people are sort of rotting/seeping blood and becoming gross blood monsters. R Lee Ermey and some other people are in an underground bunker in the desert and thus relatively safe. Some newcomers come to the situation and now it's a game of try to survive. 

90s trash, yes. If you were wondering. Maybe it's the film quality. Maybe it's the acting. I couldn't say what it is for sure, but there is a distinctive feel to 90s movies.

By the way this is only 4 years off Full Metal Jacket, and Ermey is aleady in Z grade direct to VHS bullshit? Geez he deserved better. 

1.5 stars

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...