Thursday, December 17, 2020

Bloody Pit of Horror - 1965

The Marquis de Sade is possibly the most influential single figure in the genre of exploitation. Now, I thought of this opening line but then I remembered the entire genre of Brucespoitation. But I still stand by, and Bruce Lee aside, Marquis de Sade is certainly front and center.

This says at the beginning it is based on the writing of the Marquis, and it is 1965 looking a lot like a 70s. This is prime 70's feeling schlock-orama. The story begins with a killer known as The Crimson Executioner being executed back in medieval times. His body is sealed in a tomb in a castle and soon enough, we're in modern day and a group of people are wandering around, and they come in to the castle. There is a private and secluded guy living there now, and he has a legion of striped shirt goons. As the group of people wander through the castle, the seal on the tomb is broken and bodies begin to pile up!

This movie was exploitation, and I'm honestly surprised that it was 1965! There is a whole thing about the group of people being killed, and they are killed in super creative ways. This is a obvious precursor to Saw and that type of film, and a precursor to the 70s exploitation themes that were going on. The kills are awesome and creative. You have some old school torture type deaths, you have some new things that fit right in, and there's some random whatever deaths along the way.

The weird thing about this and something that did stand out a lot, and makes more sense now that I know the year, is that there is no nudity at all. They actually have several moments where the girl is topless and everything, but they carefully shoot around the nudity and don't show anything.

Another awesome thing about this movie is that the killer, when he appears, looks like a fucking luchadore:

This movie was really zany and a bit nutso. I don't think it was full tilt Insanity like some of the ones I've seen on this blog. It stars a young Mickey Hargitay, who is an actor with many credits but one I have not seen. Actually he was apparently in The Loves of Hercules, which was riffed in MST3K. Also, he was in Lady Frankenstein, which I reviewed back in 2015.

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...