Monday, December 16, 2019

The Howling V: The Rebirth - 1989

I knew the first Howling came out in the early 80's, but I did not know they had this quickly gotten to the 5th sequel.  The 5th sequel, and another sequel not based on the books.

I'm working towards The Howling, the original from 1981.  I guess I'm going to see and chronicle these sequels before I get around to rewatching the first Howling.  I don't intend on seeing The Howling Reborn from 2011, but I will watch Howling 6 and probably 7.

The Howling V is a pretty far take-off from the first 4 which I've reviewed most of.  I did watch Howling 4, and not review it, a mistake which I regret (if you're wondering).  I'll write a retrospective review of number 4 sometime, if I don't convince myself to rewatch it.

Howling 5 is a murder mystery wodunnit type of film, it's the kind of thing we've seen before in many different horror or suspense movies.  The movie stars no one I've seen in anything else, and the director was the co-director to MST3k favorite Space Mutiny.  A bunch of random ass strangers get invited to a Hungarian castle, and when they arrive some of them start getting knocked off.  Turns out they all have things in common, and the guy who invited them has reason to believe one of the invited guests might be a werewolf.

It's relatively slow moving, and the plot is unoriginal as sin.  I think I've seen this exact movie before, actually, except it took place in a mansion.  House on Haunted Hill is basically the same thing is what I'm saying.  And this movie is a huge departure from the other Howling movies as well.  At this point, the series has no theme of any type, and the plots are all over the place.  That said, I guess this is exactly like the others in that case?

Full of dialogue, full of accents, and with a little bit of nudity, it gets something like a 1.5.

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...