Thursday, April 18, 2019

Revenge of the Virgins - 1959

Nudie Cuties.  This is a genre, this is a thing, this is commonly seen for people of a different era and a different age.  I reviewed Naked Witch, which was 1961 and I thought therefore an early Nudie Cutie feature, but I found an even earlier, better looking one in this, Revenge of the Virgins!
I wonder what the focus of this shot is???

Revenge of the Virgins, well shit, I don't even know how I stumbled onto this on Amazon.  I think I was looking at Larry Buchanan or something and this shit popped up.  

This is really different from many nudie films in that it's not taking place at a nudist camp.  I guess I should've dwelled on that with Naked Witch too, is that a lot of these films had nudity as a plot point, and therefore it was "explained" and/or "justified".  In Naked Witch and Revenge of the Virgins, it's not a plot point and therefore just an additional part of the movie.  I honestly don't remember the nudity in this film ever being mentioned by anyone.  Of course, we see a topless girl about a minute into the movie, so it's understood that "this is happening", but still you'd think later someone would mention this fact about the women.  

This brings us to the plot.  Edward D. Wood, the infamous man himself, wrote this movie.  When I say "wrote" I mean, probably, it was a quick jot down on a napkin:  "what if topless women hunted people?"  I mean really, there is no fuckin' plot here.  It's simply that a tribe of topless Indians are fighting cowboys, and for whatever reason the Indians are led by a white woman who they kidnapped when she was young.  There's gold the cowboys are after, and bam, done, that's it.

I will say, the nudity was vast, and considering the age of this, it's pretty impressive how much it showed.  It's way more than half the nudie films I've seen, obviously more than the one grainy shot in Naked Witch.  The quality of this film is better and there's about 7-8 women you'll see topless, so huzzah.  

I was also surprised because besides the boobs, it's not a bad film actually.  The plot is coherent, the actors aren't bad, there's some cool well shot suspense and action scenes, and for whatever reason, the nudity is actually not exploited.  It's not like they try to cover up the breasts, and they also don't try to show them.  They're just there, and that feels genuine and honest.  If we're talking about ethnic nudity, that is the reality of it, and it's only our mentality that sexualizes it.

It's short, it's fine, there's breasts, I give it 3 stars.

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...