Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Black Candles - 1982

Also known as The Sexual Rites of the Devil.

You ever watch something just cause you want to see a bit of deviant sexuality and the sex scenes specifically in these older movies?  My ex-wife once asked me, when she saw my Amazon watch history, "Why did you look up Naked Complex? Why not just watch porn?"  I'll tell you why.  Because nothing is taboo anymore.  Because I can access, any moment of any day, millions of pornographic videos showing me everything imaginable.

When nothing is too risque, nothing is off limits, and nothing is taboo, that creates nothing worth getting excited about.  You wanna see a guy in a horsefly costume get his dick sucked by the fairy grandmother from Cinderella?  Here you go, freako.  As for me, I remember a time, and I was fond of the time when there was not teeming millions of lusty bits just a micro-click away from me, and it was a time when taboo, when erotica, was valid and real.  And yes, you're getting a tiny bit of my anti-porn speech here, but hey, everyone's got their opinion right?

This movie, Black Candles or Sexual Rites of the Devil, or whatever you call it, was a 70's feeling 80's flick with a bit of that old-school feel of taboo hanging on.  Of course, this movie was made also to strictly fight against the idea of taboo, made to push the envelope, and get away with titillating it's audience.  Honestly here, was the word 'titillating' made up just so people could make stupid puns about movies with a lot of breasts?

How many movies begin with a house somewhere in question that for whatever the reason, our main characters are brought to in the beginning?  There's always people there.  There's a funky bunch of people living in this house, and when the main characters encounter them, they give them the benefit of the doubt... but of course, the dwellers are either satanists or witches or the undead or a cult, or something crazy like that.  In this case, the people there are satanists.

Carol and Robert come to the house where Carol's brother used to live until he passed away.  Living there is Fiona and Reverend Huber, and a bunch of unnamed and relatively unseen girls that are part of this cult.  The cult immediately gets to working on seducing Robert, while feeding Carol "herbal teas" which are screwing with her and making her get sick.  The first night at the house, Robert and Carol have sex while Fiona spies on them from a hole in the wall, and thus we get to the real reason why this movie was made...
The whole of this movie is featured on several porn sites.

There's nudity aplenty in this one, and you'll even spot some male nudity unless you blink and miss the split second appearances.  There's even a creepy scene where a woman has sex with a goat, just in case you forgot you were watching something that was originally European and made to both freak it's audience out and push that line we're always talkin' about!

It's a fun movie though, with decent performances.  Sure, it's thin and has a story that's basic as ABC, but it's also got all the elements in place, and does its job.  There's no scares, good or otherwise, but it's going for the "psychological" horror element, not just the shock value.  Uneven?  You betcha, but still enough for a average rating.

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...