Friday, September 7, 2018

The Being - 1983

I had a bit of a movie marathon last night.  I was sick, just wanted to go home and relax.  I specifically wanted to make popcorn and watch 80's cheese.  And in doing so, I spent the last 40 or so minutes at work updating my amazon watch queue with sleaze.  I added the previous entry Rats: Night of Terror and this, The Being.  I also added the early Mario Bava feature Caltiki, which I did not finish.  Too tired, I went to bed about 10:15.  I'm sick, give me a break.

The Being is one of these typical monster films that for whatever reason feels super fucking disjointed and odd.  First of all there must be a story behind the director Jackie Kong, who had never made anything before and for her first film secured a pretty good cast and budget.  Then the actual movie.  It felt like a weird walk-the-line sort of mix between hammy, terrible, and just plain boring.  Nothing quite took center stage, in terms of what I felt the most coming from the movie.  In short I watched the whole thing and came away from it pretty disappointed.

The Being takes place on Easter, and did start me on a brief diversion of looking up holiday themed horror movies.  I remember watching the significantly terrible Serial Rabbit and several of it's sequels.  What can I say....  I was put on this planet for a reason.

The Being fucking sucked.  Let's just fast forward this review.  What you have is a hard to follow plot about a weird ass monster killing people, and while it should be typical 80's fare, somehow it just didn't ever find it's stride.  Most of the movie rode a weird line between self-aware, cheesy to the point of ridiculousness, and tedium at it's worse.  To say I liked it...would just be a straight lie.

Ummm....  Yeah.  I dunno.  I can't say I have a lot to say about this one.  Cool monster I guess.  But like the movie, it feels like they just tried too hard, and the end result is self aware, too silly, and just somehow didn't work given the material.
"Is that a... coupon?  You should've told me you had a coupon at the beginning of the transaction."

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...