Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Unknown Chinese VHS - 1998

I took a random walk through Chinatown the other day here in SF.  It's something I do at least once every couple months.  I like Chinatown, and I'll go to the stores or get dinner or whatever the case may be.  I get my haircuts there, cause they're cheap as fuck.  $6.  Anyways, I was stopped at the street corner when I smelled and saw someone's trash they'd dumped at the side of the street.  Not quite in the trashcan, there was a bunch of whatever all over.  Including several small stacks of VHS.

This being Chinatown, all the tapes were in Chinese.  I looked at two of them.  The first one had some sort of sticky red crap all over the VHS box, so I left it.  The second one seemed fine.  I stashed it in my bag, and I have absolutely no clue what's on it.  I'm going to upload pictures in hopes that my legions of teaming fans will translate it.

My guess is that it's either Chinese television programs that have been recorded from TV, either shown here in the states or back in China.  Second guess is that it's someone's legit home movies....a graduation, a wedding, you know the drill.  So, I'm going to give it a watch!  I'm writing this big intro and I'll post it, and then watch it probably on Thursday or something.  I also plan to be at least partially drunk when I watch it.  I'm going to hopefully give it a legit review...in my mind it's gonna be awesome, it's gonna be genuine ridiculous Chinese movies, and I'm going to be happy as fuck.  But it's probably gonna be seriously disappointing, if it even plays.  We will see.

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...