Tuesday, February 21, 2023

UFO: Target Earth - 1974

 Also known as Target Earth. 

This boxset is going to have some peaks and valleys, I can tell already.  I'm about to start on a string of bad 30s-ish sci fi related movies on the set. 

UFO is a clearly experimental 70s alien movie, very much leaning into the weirdness, you dig man?  There's a lot of really strange moments of bizarre sounds or screen effects or the actors clearly being given the direction to "look weird and disturbed".  The entire end is a 2001-ish colorscape of "trippy", "Pass the bong" teehee oddity, but you know what?  I loved all of that.

Unapologetically 70s, this movie just is what it is and it has no other era it could have been made in. 

Plotwise, I mean it's like, waaaay out there.  This guy is receiving strange signals from space and wants to find out what it's all about.  He gets this psychic woman and they trace the sources to a lake.  It turns out there's aliens in the lake, and they can only communicate through him.  That's about it, and it's also blessedly short at just around 75 minutes.

I would say that a lot of people might now love this as much as I did, but it is so wonky and out there it immediately gets in as a cult film.  I'll give it 4 stars.

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...