Friday, July 15, 2022

Cult of the Damned - 1971

 Its slow at work and I wanted something wierd or crazy on in the background. I put this on. 

The uncredited alternate name I came up with for this movie was "Things Happening: The Movie".  But as this movie kept going, and it dragged on as it really has a tendency to do, I downgraded it in my head to "Things Sorta Happening: The Movie".

This movie is some sort of wandering psuedo indictment of the rich. It has a fat girl (fat by 70s standards is probably under the average weight now...) with a gay dad and a cruel mom, and she begins to hang out with these annoying free spirited hippie types who give her drugs and make her feel sexy and accepted.  The guys are in a band and the lead singer starts seducing everyone. Along the way are "trippy" interjections and long, boring scenes. 

This was apparently written by some guy for his wife to star in, and if someone wrote this for me I'd probably fucking break up with them. 

I don't know what the point of it was or what it was supposed to be, but what it is instead is a giant waste of time. When the best thing about the movie is its creative newspaper collage opening, well, you know it's bad. No stars.

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...