Monday, April 11, 2022

The Child - 1977

 The main character in The Child is played by an actress which acted in not one but TWO films made by Larry Buchanan.  I mention this because I seriously had to check to make sure this film was not made by him.  Welcome back, Z-grade.  It's been a while.

The Child is a boringly-named late 70's thriller/mystery/horror film.  The plot involves the aforementioned girl coming to watch a younger girl at a house way out in the middle of nowhere.  Something odd and sinister is going on, with the girl going into the cemetery at night and meeting "friends" there.  Everyone else acts weird too, obviously having things they're hiding and being cagey about.

The Child has a weird "mash the piano dissonantly" score, and that approach to music also encapsulates the rest of the film.  The cinematography is ridiculous, the acting is all over the place, the pace slows down and speeds up at random.  There's slightly comedic moments that were unintentional, there's stupidity which wishes it had been intentional, and the horror, which was the intention, completely fails.  

All this said, The Child is somewhat fun to watch, as it's completely off the rails and whackadoo.  It's slow though, even barely being over an hour.  There's no nudity or blood to speak of, there's not anything super cool about it in that way, so it rides this whatever sorta middle meh of a movie that you'll realize has a lot out there better than it. 

For what is has, and doesn't have, I'll give it 2.5 stars still.  

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...