Friday, August 24, 2018

The Unseen - 1980

I saw the trailer for this film a long time ago, and I truly don't think I ever researched it at all, just added it to my list blindly.  The trailer is fucking phenomenal, but if I had done five minutes worth of research, maybe I would've found the poster, and rethought my initial thought.  Now, I'm going to ask for about 4 minutes of your time, because I seriously want you to compare trailer versus poster here.  First the trailer:

And now the poster:

Um, how much more comical and farcical could this poster be?!

All's I'm saying is, these are two very different movies.  The trailer is downright creepy.  This is a case where, not only is the poster totally different from the movie, the trailer and the poster are BOTH better than the actual movie, and in fact it even has a better heating duct grate than the movie!  I mean, just watch the trailer.  That grate is creepy as fuck.  I wonder where I could buy one of those for my house...

The Unseen was a film I got really excited about, and I'll admit I had my hopes up.  I expected a sort of weird 70's style slow burn horror flick.  Instead this is a bizarre mashup between badly paced 70's flick and post Texas Chainsaw extreme shock horror.  The shock horror doesn't work, the slow talky parts don't work.  The acting is perhaps the only fun part, as Sydney Lassick hams it up big time with his cartoonish expressions and voice.  Also, Bond girl Barbara Bach is fine as the heroine.

It's not what I expected at all, but that aside, I feel like it was satisfying.  It's a lot more in the vein of the recent 80's horror slashers I'd been watching, so I'll take that for what it is, but essentially, I'm not going to give it high marks as one of those either, because it's a bit slow and bland, with the ending too jampacked.  Also....not made super clear what The Unseen was all about.  Spoilers here, once it's made clear there's a mutant guy in the basement, he's immediately put in a sympathetic light and Sydney Lassick is made to be evil, yet it's clear Lassick didn't kill two of the girls, so were there two killers then?  The Unseen?  Seems like it should've been named The Unsure.  I'll give it 2.5 stars.

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The Banker - 1989

 I guessed in the 90s. IMDb trivia says this is the movie that turned Tarantino into Robert Forster? Interesting. I wonder if that is true. ...